Unruly Creator awakening

  • You may be someone who creates regularly, but you feel...blah

  • You may have had a creative practice in the past, and let it go 🙁

  • You may believe that you are not creative, and wonder if this even applies to you (but really, secretly, hope it does)

I am offering Unruly Creator Awakenings  - a 90 minute, highly focused Deep Dive into You and your Creative Dreams, Desires, nay, even Demands.  Because I believe that ignoring your desire to create *something* impacts your well-being.  I’m on a mission to heal and release your inner creator!

We work together to raise your awareness break the rules, expand your possibilities, and map out your strategic plan to make your choice happen.  Time to begin creating awesome stuff!

“ In just four months – from February to May – I had started producing hand built ceramics again, participated in a craft show, and formed a support group to keep me going.  I cannot say enough how thankful I am for this opportunity to bring creativity back into my life as an ongoing daily practice!  Thank you Lee!”      - Tracy 

PRICE $125

I’m in! Click Yes to sign up

Linda, Unruly Creator

“Spending time with Lee in her Unruly Creator Session was enlivening! Her exercises and insights helped me broaden my picture of myself as a creator from being"just a musician" to seeing that creating art is about JOY! Building a joyful practice is what keeps an artist going.

Once Lee helped me see that Joy is the goal, not just the song, I realized that the amazing feeling inside me when I sing is WHY I love to sing! And for that I can keep practicing, keep looking for opportunities to sing, keep auditioning, keep learning new songs and developing my breathing support.

Thank you Lee! Thank you for opening my eyes to the bigger picture of why I sing!”

Linda Heinsohn, Happiness and Well Being Coach, Portland, OR.