A community of creators, designers, and makers

welcome to our mess




Remember how fun it was to play in the sandbox, making, destroying, and making again? Just seeing what the possibilities are, trying stuff out, even stomping on your creations with glee. Just you and your imagination having a blast.

That’s what we explore in the Sandbox - possibilities, quick iterations of ideas, trying on new worlds for fun.

Finding rules to smash, toss, and turn upside down just because we can.


The Studio. Did you just get chills? Yeah. A space (physical or virtual) dedicated to your practice. A place to bring forth everything brimming inside you.

Here is where you design and go deep in your creative practice that is all Yours.

I liken this to a Room of Your Own that you can return to over and over again to fill your well.


This is where we discuss, share, and learn from our creative practice.

How does the work in the studio inform how we live the other parts of our lives?

What is the deeper source of creative energy that we all draw from?

Who is the essence of You and how does creating help you access that?

Art is life. Life is art.